Diagnostic Performance of Xpert® MTB/XDR for Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Drug Resistant, Tuberculosis, MDR, XDR, GeneXpertAbstract
The study aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of Xpert® MTB/XDR assay for drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis by taking conventional drug susceptibility testing (DST) as standard.
In the cross-sectional analytical study, 1789 pulmonary TB suspects were tested for Xpert® MTB/RIF assay from November 2022 to April 2023. Of these 604 were Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) positive and 57 rifampicin-resistant (RR). Two first-morning sputum specimens were collected from all RR cases. One specimen was processed for Xpert® MTB/XDR, and the other for Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) culture and conventional DST.
Overall mean age was 36.6±16.6 years, and gender distribution was comparable (49.1% vs. 50.9%). RR was 100.0% on Xpert® and 78.9% on DST, MDR 77.2% on Xpert® and 66.7% on DST, pre-XDR 26.3% on Xpert® and 31.6% on DST, and XDR 0.0% on Xpert® and 5.3% on DST. Compared to conventional DST, the accuracy of Xpert® was 79.0% for RR, 75.0% for MDR, 81.0% for pre-XDR, and 95.0% for XDR-TB.
The Xpert® MTB/XDR assay demonstrated greater accuracy for drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, especially XDR-TB. However, more studies are needed to validate the diagnostic performance of this new modality.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Kashif Munir, Faiz Ahmad Raza, Muhammad Adnan, Sana Rehman, Ruqayya Khalid, Asif Hanif, Muhammad Saqib Saeed

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