Quality of Life in Co-Infection of Tuberculosis (Tb) and Human Immune Deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficie ncy Syndrome HIV/AIDS Positive Patients


  • Bakht Pari Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar KP
  • Khalid Rehman Khyber Medical University Peshawar KP
  • Izaz Ali Univerity of Ljubjana Solivinia
  • Ruby Khan





The objective of our study was to compare the quality of life of HIV/AIDS and TB co-infected patients  visiting Family Care Center HMC, Peshawar.


It was a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out from 1st october to december 2021 at the Family Care Center department of Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC), Peshawar.The study sample comprised of 46 participants who were selected by Non probability convenient sampling technique.Out of the total 46 participants 23 were HIV positive with TB co-infected and 23 were HIV positive patients only. Data were collected  using  World Health Organization Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF validated structured questionnaires were filled from both male & female participants.


31 study participants were males participants (67.4%) and 15were females (32.6%). Which included on HIV/AIDS group 13 males (56.5%) and 10 females participants (43.5%) and HIV/AIDS with TB co-infected patients 18 males (78.3%) and 5 females (21.7%).The quality of life was poor  in TB Co-infection HIV/AIDS positive patients than in  only HIV/AIDS positive patients. The overall quality of life was < 60 %  in which 8.6 % find out in HIV/AIDS +ve and 13.1 % in co-infection of Tb with HIV/AID.


The difference in the quality of life among the two groups was not significant. Although there was some difference in psychological, social and physical domains in HIV/AIDS with TB co-infection patients as compared to HIV /AIDS. We identified that stigmatization, lack of awareness, and early screening plus treatment were prominent issues.


Author Biographies

Bakht Pari, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar KP

Government College of Nursing, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar KP

Khalid Rehman, Khyber Medical University Peshawar KP

Associate Professor IPH/SS
Khyber Medical University Peshawar KP

Izaz Ali, Univerity of Ljubjana Solivinia

PHD Scholar,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Univerity of Ljubjana Solivinia

Ruby Khan

PHD Scholar,
Silesian University of Technology Gliwic Poland


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How to Cite

Pari, B. ., Rehman, K., Ali, I. ., & Khan, R. (2022). Quality of Life in Co-Infection of Tuberculosis (Tb) and Human Immune Deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficie ncy Syndrome HIV/AIDS Positive Patients. Journal of Gandhara Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, 2(2), 24–28. https://doi.org/10.37762/jfinph.39