Prevalence of Dysmenorrhea and Its Effects on Quality Of Life among Student Nurses
Student Nurses, Nursing Schools, Quality of Life, Dysmenorrhea, PainAbstract
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its effects on quality of life of nursing students at a nursing school.
A descriptive cross-sectional survey was carried out at one nursing school in Peshawar, Pakistan. A sum of 179 student nurses participated in this research. Censes method was used following the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Approval for conducting this study was obtained from Ethics Review Board of Khyber Medical University. Data was collected by pre tested validated questionnaire WHOQOL BREF scale. SPSS version 22 was used to analyze the data.
The participants average age was 25.58 years. The majority (60.3%) of the participants reported having Dysmenorrhea. A great portion (63.5%) of respondents reported Dysmenorrhea in age group 18-25 years. 63.4% Participants reported Dysmenorrhea among unmarried participants. Participants with Dysmenorrhea had scores in the Generic BSN, PRN, and MSN education categories of 78(64.5%), 21(48.8%), and 9(60%) respectively. There was no correlation between dysmenorrhea and QOL (p-value =.377).
Dysmenorrhea is quite prevalent among nursing students, along with severe lower abdomen pain, however there is no correlation between dysmenorrhea and Quality of Life.
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