Bacteriological and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water from Underground Source in Domel District Bannu KPK Pakistan.


  • Noor Zada khan Department of Microbiology university of science & Technology Kohat
  • Waheed Ullah University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Zakir Ahmad Department of Biochemistry Abdul wali Khan university Mardan
  • Abdullah Institute of Health Sciences, KMU Swabi
  • Imad Tariq Department of Histopathology, Agha University Hospital Karachi Pakistan
  • Fawad Inayat Iqra National University, Peshawar, Pakistan



Drinking Water, Pressure Pump source, Domel, Bannu, E.coli, Heavy metals


Objective: Clean drinking water is a prime important issue for protecting health of humans in all over the globe. Drinking water quality are not being managed appropriately both in the rural and urban areas of Pakistan.

Material and Methods: Bacteriological and Physico-Chemical and analysis of drinking water from underground source (pressure pumps) were investigated in forty selected areas of Tehsil Domel District Bannu.

Results: A total of 40 samples of drinking water  were analyzed for Elemental analysis and BOD, COD, Total coliform, Fecal coliform, E.coli, Total Plate Count, Electrical conductivity, Salinity, Total suspended solids(TSS), Total dissolved solids(TDS) and pH. Research showed that samples of drinking water of some villages i.e. Bezan khel, Bodin khel, Bara Chashmi and Masti khel were found bacterial contaminated. They have large amount of bacterial colonies i.e. 398 colonies/ml, 561colonies/ml, 470 colonies/ml and 566 colonies/ml respectively. E.coli was also detected in the above mentioned highly polluted sites. These bacterial concentrations are beyond the permissible range of WHO. BOD, COD, TDS and TSS values were also above the standard values in some selected villages of this research study. Cu and Zn were found bellow the permissible ranges of WHO while some research sites showed higher values of Pb and Cd than WHO approved ranges.

Conclusion: It was determined from the current research study that drinking water from pressure pump source in Tehsil Domel District Bannu KPK is contaminated and is not suitable for drinking purposes. It needs necessary management before consumption to avoid waterborne and other carcinogenic diseases in Tehsil Domel District Bannu.  

Author Biographies

Noor Zada khan, Department of Microbiology university of science & Technology Kohat

PhD Scholar at Department of
Microbiology university of science &
Technology Kohat

Waheed Ullah, University of Science & Technology, Kohat

Associate Professor,
Department of Microbiology ,
University of Science & Technology, Kohat

Zakir Ahmad, Department of Biochemistry Abdul wali Khan university Mardan

M Phil Scholar,
Department of Biochemistry
Abdul wali Khan university Mardan

Abdullah, Institute of Health Sciences, KMU Swabi

Institute of Health Sciences, KMU Swabi


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How to Cite

khan, N. Z., Ullah, W., Ahmad, Z., Abdullah, Tariq, I., & Inayat, F. (2025). Bacteriological and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water from Underground Source in Domel District Bannu KPK Pakistan. Journal of Gandhara Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, 5(1), 25–29.