Parents’ Satisfaction with Nursing Care Provided to their Child in Three Tertiary Care Hospitals, Peshawar


  • Muhammad Anwar DHQ Hospital Timergara,
  • Shah Hussain Saidu Group of Teaching Hospital, Swat
  • Shakeel Ahmed DHQ Hospital Timergara
  • Abdullah DHQ Hospital Timergara
  • Shiada Khan Advanced Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Karachi
  • Obiad Ul Haq Jehlum College of Nursing, Punjab



Intensive Care Unit (ICU), High Dependency Unit (HDU), Parents’ Satisfaction, Children, Nursing Care



To study the satisfaction of parents regarding their child with nursing care in government tertiary care hospitals in Peshawar, KPK.


A cross sectional study was done in three tertiary care hospitals in Peshawar District, KPK. Data was collected from 306 participants as a convenient sample size. Parents of children admitted in three units consisting of Pediatric Ward, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Pediatric High Dependency Unit (HDU) for at least 2 days in these units were included. Whereas, those who have stayed less than 2 days were excluded. Data was collected from 306 participants through a structured questionnaire. Informed consent was taken from the participants. The data was recorded and analyzed on SPSS version 20.0.


The result of this study shows more satisfaction from parents toward nursing care provided to their child. But in some areas i.e. providing informational care and following hygienic conditions, the parents’ satisfaction was not positive.


Parents as well as patient satisfaction are the key factors in relation to nursing care. Our study’s finding show great satisfaction toward nursing care.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Anwar, DHQ Hospital Timergara,

Nursing Officer,

DHQ Hospital Timergara,


Shah Hussain, Saidu Group of Teaching Hospital, Swat

Nursing officer,

Saidu Group of Teaching Hospital, Swat

Shakeel Ahmed, DHQ Hospital Timergara

Nursing Officer,

DHQ Hospital Timergara,

Abdullah, DHQ Hospital Timergara

Nursing Officer,

DHQ Hospital Timergara

Shiada Khan, Advanced Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Karachi


Advanced Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Karachi

Obiad Ul Haq, Jehlum College of Nursing, Punjab


Jehlum College of Nursing, Punjab


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How to Cite

Anwar, M., Hussain, S., Ahmed, S., Abdullah, Khan, S. ., & Haq, O. U. (2021). Parents’ Satisfaction with Nursing Care Provided to their Child in Three Tertiary Care Hospitals, Peshawar. Journal of Gandhara Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, 1(01), 17–21.