Barriers to Optimal Hypertension Control among Adults: A Cross Sectional Study


  • Noor ul Islam DHQ Hospital, Bajaur, KPK
  • Imran Waleed Ahmad Institute of Nursing Sciences, KMU, Peshawar
  • Abdullah Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals, Swat
  • Amanullah Khan HMC, Peshawar
  • Muhammad Ilyas LRH, Peshawar
  • Tariq Rahim DHQ Hospital, Karak
  • Shafiq Ahmad LRH, Peshawar



Hypertension, Optimal Control, Life Style, Medication Compliance, Tertiary Care Hospital



The purpose of the study was to assess factors resisting control of hypertension in adults.


A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out from 1st of December 2020 till 31st of March 2021 at Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) Peshawar Pakistan. The study selected 377 participants by non-probability convenient sampling technique to find out barrier to optimal blood pressure control among adult patients visiting to HMC. Data was collected through an adopted questionnaire based on a study conducted in Rwanda district hospitals. Analysis was carried through SPPS version 22.0.


In sample of 377 participants, 54.64% were male and 45.36% were female having mean age 55.28±10.09 years. 66.6% of the participants did not know about the harmful effects of having high blood pressure. Majority 72.4% of the participants often forget to take medication and 50.7% stop to take medication without prior consultation.


Different barriers to optimal hypertension control were identified which include inadequate knowledge of the consequences of poor hypertension control, poor adherence to medication, poor diet management and unhealthy lifestyle.

Author Biographies

Noor ul Islam, DHQ Hospital, Bajaur, KPK

Charge Nurse,
DHQ Hospital, Bajaur, KPK

Imran Waleed Ahmad, Institute of Nursing Sciences, KMU, Peshawar

Institute of Nursing Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar

Abdullah, Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals, Swat

Charge Nurse,
Saidu Group of Teaching Hospitals, Swat

Amanullah Khan, HMC, Peshawar

Nursing Supervisor,
HMC, Peshawar

Muhammad Ilyas, LRH, Peshawar

Associate Nursing Director,
LRH, Peshawar

Tariq Rahim, DHQ Hospital, Karak

Charge Nurse,
DHQ Hospital, Karak

Shafiq Ahmad, LRH, Peshawar

Resident Dermatologist,
LRH, Peshawar


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How to Cite

Islam, N. ul ., Ahmad, I. W. ., Abdullah, Khan, A. ., Ilyas, . M. ., Rahim, T. ., & Ahmad, . S. . (2021). Barriers to Optimal Hypertension Control among Adults: A Cross Sectional Study. Journal of Gandhara Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, 1(2), 9–14.